Health & Safety
Our commitment to health & safety
D Interiors commitment to health and safety is a key priority and goes beyond our legal responsibilities to ensure the well-being of our employees and others who are involved in and/or affected by our operations. Our commitment to continuous improvement and raising standards in our approach to health and safety is extremely clear and reinforced at all levels, as is our close attention to and compliance with all approved codes of practice and health and safety legislation.
We work vigorously to raise the profile of health and safety and embed it within our working practices. We recognise the importance of developing the right culture, by facilitating a proactive approach toward changing behaviours and attitudes. We are CHAS and SMAS accredited which demonstrates further assurance of our commitment to health, safety and quality for current and prospective clients.
Company Health and Safety Policy
Statement of intent
The Directors of D Interiors Limited believe that the promotion and preservation of health and safety is of fundamental importance in the conduct of the Company’s operation.
The declared policy of the Company is to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all employees and others who may be affected by the Company’s operations.
The Company will actively seek to maintain and improve a good record of safe responsible activity. This will be achieved by providing adequate financial and managerial resources to ensure that careful planning, organising, monitoring, controlling, educating and the application of best trade practices and codes of conduct are a fundamental part of each and every project.
In so far as it is reasonably practical, D Interiors Limited will:
- a) Provide and maintain plant and systems of work that are safe and without risk.
- b) Make arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in conjunction with the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances.
- c) Provide such information, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees.
- d) Maintain any place under the Company’s control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health and provide and maintain a means of access and egress that is safe and without risks.
- e) Provide and maintain working environments for employees that are safe, without risks to health and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare whilst at work.
D Interiors Limited request and expect that all persons who are employed by the Company, sub-contracted to the Company, visiting the Company’s premises sites of operation or to whom the Company owes a duty of care or over whom the Company exercises control, to conform to the Safety Policy of the Company and comply with the arrangements made to implement the policy.
Mr Dean Newman, Operations Director has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy for and on behalf of D Interiors Limited.
This Safety Policy will be reviewed annually and is available for inspection at the Company’s office.
D Interiors Ltd,
Knightsbridge Court,
Regent House, North Street,
Downend, BS16 5SF
Joe Howe | Managing Director
Date: 1st January 2023